the c.o.d.e.

(Christians observing disciplines every day)

Daily Affirmations from our "RULE of Life"

I will live my life in agreement with the Word of God

Loving God 
(Matthew 22:34-40)
"I am a son/daughter of God. I exist to love God with everything I am, and to be loved by Him with everything He is."
(Matthew 6:9; John 1:12; 1 John 3:1a)
"Before all things, I will seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, trusting Him for my needs."
(Matthew 6:33)
"I will seek to have my whole life become an act of worship."
(Romans 12:1-2)        
(Romans 12:1-2)"Knowing and loving God is my first priority."

Loving Others As You Love Yourself 
(Matthew 22:34-40)
"I am a servant. I will love others with the love of Christ, seeking their welfare before my own." 
(Matthew 23:11; Philippians 2:1-11)
"I will have a healthy appreciation of the self, based in my understanding of who I am in Christ." 
(1 John 3:1; Romans 12:3)      
"I will seek self-awareness through God-awareness" 
(1 Corinthians 13:12)    
"Loving and serving others is my second priority"

As You Go, Making Disciples
(Matthew 28:18-20)
"I am a steward. My mission as a disciple of Jesus Christ is to make more and better disciples for Him everywhere I go. It is the outworking of my loving devotion to Christ and His Church."
(Matthew 28:18-20)        
"I will be a witness who shares with others the comfort that I myself have received from God through Jesus Christ." (Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5; John 9:25)
"Making disciples is my third priority."

In pursuit of this I will give myself to the practice of spiritual disciplines

"I submit my life to the Holy Scriptures - The Word of God" 
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)  
"I will practice daily the presence of the Holy Spirit through reflective prayer" 
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
"I will depend on the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in my life and ministry" 
(Acts 1:8)    
"I am devoted to The Fellowship—living a shared life together in Christ as family and community" 
(Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:23-25) 
"I am devoted to The Breaking of Bread—the celebration of the Lord's Supper and the practice of hospitality" 
(Acts 2:42-47; 1 Peter 4:8-10)
"I will practice generosity through tithing as a means of personal discipline, giving offerings as an act of love and providing for the needs of others" 
(Malachi 3:10-12; Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15)
“I will lovingly, gently and graciously share with others the story of how God's love and grace has transformed my heart and life" 
(1 Peter 3:15; 2 Corinthians 1:3-4) 

In practice of these things I will engage in these disciplines

Daily personal and family spiritual disciplines:
Reading the Scripture
Prayer, worship and quiet reflection in the Holy Spirit
Reading and reflecting on the affirmations found in The Code
Family reading and prayer with your spouse or children around meals, bedtimes, etc.

Weekly corporate spiritual disciplines:
Regular weekly participation in Celebration on Sundays
Regular weekly participation in a Connection during the week
Participation in special life events of the Community